
The leading choice for Maths Teachers nationwide
Active Maths has been developed by an expert author team, to be the best match for the Junior Cycle and Leaving Cert specifications.
The 2nd edition of the Active Maths series includes Teacher’s Solutions to save you time as well as digital resources. The 3rd edition of Active Maths 1 for JC and Active Maths 3 for SC ordinary level are now available

Available now!
Upgraded Digital Resources including:
- Editable PowerPoint solutions that provide both questions and solutions to exercises in the textbooks
- Learning Log solutions at Junior Level coming soon!
Junior Cycle

The new Active Maths 1 (3rd Edition): Junior Cycle Ordinary Level
Active Maths 1 ( 3rd edition) has been thoroughly revised to cater to the wide-ranging abilities of the Ordinary Level classroom. This new edition is more student-friendly and comes with lots of practical digital resources and a printed Teacher’s Solution Book to save you time.

Active Maths 2: Junior Cycle Higher Level
Active Maths 2 gives focus to conceptual understandings, procedural fluency, strategic competence, adaptive reasoning and productive disposition.
3-year planning for OL and HL courses and examples of units of work are included in the printed Teacher’s Solutions Book and digital teaching resources include chapter summary and topic PowerPoints and GeoGebra activities.
The Student Learning Log includes past exam questions and provides a complete record of work and evidence of self-reflection.

Specification peace of mind
- Active Maths 2 fulfils all requirements of the specification
- Cross-strand questions interlink themes from varying strands, a required element of the Unifying Strand
- Relevant learning outcomes are listed at the start of each chapter
- The Student Learning Log provides a complete record of work and evidence of self-reflection
Leaving Cert

Active Maths 3 (3rd edition) is available now!
- More concise with all the essential content for the syllabus and exam
- Revised to meet the wide-ranging abilities of the Ordinary Level classroom
- Differentiation and student-friendly focus
- The right angle on exam preparation
- The perfect blend of teaching resources

Active Maths 4: Leaving Cert Higher Level
Active Maths 4 is a two-part, innovative solution to empowering good students to achieve great results with real-life examples, context questions, exam-focused questions, chapter revision exercises and worked solutions.
Includes an improved bank of Digital Resources including, Topic PowerPoints, Chapter Review PowerPoints, Geogebra activities, video demonstrations and solutions.
Check out the Active Maths 4 textbooks and Digital Resources
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