
Dive In! and Take the Plunge! JC English school books

Dive In!/Take the Plunge! your complete JC English package

Dive In! is Book 1 in our Junior Cycle English programme and acts as a bridge between primary and post-primary English. Take the Plunge! is Book 2 and builds on what students learned in Dive In! and provides all the support they need for second and third year English as they prepare for the Junior Cycle exam.

The programme follows a genre-based approach while still giving you the flexibility to teach by theme. Whichever you prefer!

Dive In! and Take the Plunge! eBooks & Digital here!

Find out more about Dive In!

Take the Plunge! Focus on the Final Assessment chapter

Focus on the final assessment

The Focus on the Final Assessment chapter is unique to Take the Plunge! It sets out all the information and strategies students need to successfully revise and practise for the two-hour Final Assessment.

The Focus on Final Assessment section at the end of each chapter will help students to consistently practise and revise for the exam. Students complete these exam-focused activities using corresponding templates in the Chart Your Progress Student Journal.

Take the Plunge! JC English teacher planning at desk

Choose a planning option that suits you!

Our stellar Teacher's Planner includes two timed, achievable planning options that allow you to choose the approach that suits you: genre-based or thematic

When used in tandem with the textbook and Chart Your Progress Student Journal, the Teacher's Planner allows you to achieve the specification within a challenging timeframe. No competitor programme provides the same clarity and organisation as Take the Plunge! Class plans include clear coverage of the 39 learning outcomes.





Specification & skills focus

Take the Plunge! has an easy-to-follow structure for you and your students. All activities are clearly signposted and offer a clear-cut learning focus linked to the specification's three stands: Oral language, reading and writing.

  • Learning goals with highlighted action verbs at the start of every chapter 
  • Students assess their achievement of these goals when a chapter is completed
  • Activities that support the three strands of Junior Cycle English
Take the Plunge! Chart Your Progress JC English school book

Support for assessment and reporting

  • Reflection of learning goals at the end of each chapter
  • The Test the Waters feature in each chapter includes a CBA 1 and CBA 2 activity, plus Final Assessment questions 
  • Success criteria and marking schemes for every assignment in the Chart Your Progress Student Journal
  • Teacher-feedback rubrics help you to report on student work quickly and consistently

Watch Videos

Check out our short but detailed explainer video for a better understanding of the Take the Plunge! teaching package.

Webinar for English Teachers

We hosted a webinar with authors Fiona Kirwan and Edel O’Donovan. In this webinar, they shared insights into teaching, assessing, and covering the specification within a challenging timeframe. They covered in detail how you can integrate the specification and the assessment process.

Bridge the Gap TY Transition Year English book

Bridge the Gap for TY English

Bridge the Gap for Transition Year English bridges the gap between Junior Cycle English and Leaving Cert English. 

Find out more about Bridge the Gap English


Folens cost of school books

Programme Package

Also, available in the Take the Plunge! programme:

  • eBook
  • Chart Your Progress Student Journal
  • Poetry Podcasts
  • Teacher’s Planner
  • Teaching Resources on FolensHIVE