The Complete Package
Gaeilge Abú! is an engaging Junior Cycle Irish programme that supports a positive experience of language learning. Developed by a team of expert authors, Gaeilge Abú! is completely aligned to the specification and is filled with engaging activities that target and develop all language skills.
Learn more about Gaeilge Abú! for Junior Cycle Irish.
Check out what our authors have to say about Gaeilge Abú!

Ailínithe leis an Siollabas
Tá an tsonraíocht ar fad clúdaithe in Gaeilge Abú!
- Snáithe 1: Cumas cumarsáide
- Snáithe 2: Feasacht teanga agus chultúrtha
- Snáithe 3: Féinfheasacht an fhoghlaimeora
Check out our JC Irish Online Webinar
Expert authors of Gaeilge Abú! Seán Greif & Séamus Ó Fionnagáin went live to answer the most common concerns for Junior Cycle Irish teachers.

Covers recommended and prescribed texts
- Literature features as a springboard to learning in every chapter
- Comprehensive coverage of prescribed texts in books 2 and 3, including a dedicated section for the novel, play and short stories
- Useful revision notes for prescribed texts

Grá don Ghaeilge a chothú sna daltaí!
- Varied activities encourage students to converse in Irish
- Differentiated questions give you the option to challenge your students
- Spraoi leis an teanga! activities take a fun, game-based approach to language learning
- Léamh ar mhaithe le taitneamh section provides an opportunity for students to read Irish for pleasure
- Student vlogs see students speak about topics that are engaging and relevant to them
- Ríomhphost activities allow students to draft, send and reply to emails from virtual students
- A wide range of digital activities encourages whole-class discussions and individual practice as Gaeilge

Bridge the Gap for TY Gaeilge
Bridge the Gap for Transition Year Irish bridges the gap between Junior Cycle Irish and Leaving Cert Irish.