Check out this short overview video of My Problem-Solving Journal!

My Problem-Solving Journal for rich mathematical tasks
- Inspire a love of maths with real-life scenarios and problems that are relevant to children
- Deepen conceptual understanding and explore the big ideas of mathematics
- Challenge all children at their level with low threshold high ceiling tasks
- A bank of age and stage appropriate problems at your fingertips
- Matched to the key topics in core maths programmes, including Planet Maths and Busy at Maths
- Teaching notes offer a comprehensive guide on how to approach each problem
Maths Week Challenge

Explore one problem in depth each week
- Strand and Strand Unit labels make it easy to map problems to the content you are covering in class.
- Maths Talk boxes encourage meaningful maths discussion.
- Top Tips provide helpful hints and prompts.
- Extension activities offer further opportunities to explore each topic.
- Dedicated workspaces scaffold children and create a record of learning.
Join teacher and author, Patrick Neary, to explore mathematical modeling in the primary classroom. See how seamlessly mathematical modeling can be emphasised through context-rich, open-ended problems, such as those found in My Problem-Solving Journal.
Join teacher and author, Elaine Dillion, to explore what problem-solving looks like for younger children. Examine how rich, meaningful tasks, such as those found in My Problem-Solving Journal, can be used to enrich children’s mathematical learning.
Teaching Notes

Teaching notes
Online teaching notes accompanying each problem:
- Provide an overview of the task
- List the specific skills addressed
- Guide teachers with specific teaching points
- Include anticipated student responses and possible solutions
- We have created this handy guide for you to reference when using My Problem-Solving Journal in the classroom
"It provides everything teachers need to help children in their class become critical thinkers and problem solvers"
Patrick Neary, experienced teacher and one of the authors of My Problem Solving Journal explains how MPSJ provides rich mathematical tasks to develop powerful mathematical thinking, and inspires a love of maths with real-life scenarios and problems that are relevant to children.
Author Team

Author team
All of our authors are currently teaching different classes.
Patrick Neary is the author of 5th & 6th Class, and Series Editor of the programme. He holds a M.Ed., specialising in Mathematics Education, from DCU, where he has also lectured part-time. Patrick has worked closely with Maths4All to promote best practice in Maths Education.
Grace Lynch is the author of 3rd & 4th Class. She holds a M.Ed., specialising in Mathematics Education, from DCU, and has supervised undergraduate dissertations for students specialising in Mathematics Education in Marino Institute.
Elaine Dillion is the author of 1st & 2nd Class. She holds a M.Ed. from Maynooth University, where her thesis focused on exploring an effective use of play in the teaching and learning of mathematics. Elaine is an active participant and contributor to Maths4All.