PM eCollection
The PM eCollection consists of over 400 eBooks taken from the PM collection all of which have been completely redesigned for compatibility with any device. It re-imagines guided and independent reading for the digital age. The PM eCollection comprises three pillars: The Content, The eReader App, and The Website.
Watch our short overview of the PM eCollection
Total Payment
1 unique login/ 1 user at a time
Subscription for 365 Days
Access to all eBooks
Limited functionality eBooks
No access to Student Management Website
Most popular
Per Student
Minimum of 10 Students
Subscription for 365 Days
Access to all eBooks
Full functionality eBooks
Access to Student Management website
"Our school has been using the PM eCollection for the past few months. Parents find it very straightforward to navigate. It has been extremely useful for pupils working remotely to continue to work on their reading skills. Parents regularly record their child's reading and this enables our teachers to monitor our pupil's progress. The customer service and technical team have also been very supportive"
![PM eCollection | The Content | image of cat](/sites/default/files/styles/iwt_image/public/2020-12/anz_pri_pm_ebookcat_s.png?h=13180f99&itok=uUkkzese)
The Content
Within the 400 eBooks they contain purpose-built features to enhance students' reading experience which include;
- audio support – students can hear individual words or a full page of text
- My Words – students can add words to their personalized My Words list
- Record – students can record themselves reading their PM eBook
- Edit – students and teachers can edit the text
- Draw and Add Notes – students and teachers can draw and add notes to the PM eBooks.
![PM eCollection | The eReader App | image of boy and eReader app on tablet](/sites/default/files/styles/iwt_image/public/2020-12/anz_pri_ecollection_ipad.png?h=9a6119ad&itok=KM3c1Qcg)
The eReader App
The PM eCollection eReader app allows students and teachers to choose a reading profile based on the needs of learners in specific situations.
- The Guided Reading profile disables the audio and record functionality so that distractions are minimised.
- The Independent Reading profile enables the audio and record functionality, offering full support for students reading on their own.
- The Custom Reading profile allows the user to enable or disable My Words and audio functionality, and show or hide the text to create opportunities for retelling and other oral literacy activities.
- New for 2023 - 550 titles now available for use at home or in school by students
![PM eCollection | The Website | image of website](/sites/default/files/styles/iwt_image/public/2020-12/anz_pri_ecollection_website.png?h=8d8b85e1&itok=4TUECFXb)
The Website
The PM eCollection website offers teachers and administrators powerful planning, management and assessment functionality. It is here you are able to create, edit and manage:
- student profiles
- reading groups (both class and small groups)
- reading sessions for guided and independent reading. Rich assessment data is stored in students' profiles. Each student profile includes:
- the student's current PM level and reading age
- the number of eBooks the student opened
- the recordings the student made
- the words the student added to My Words
- a graph showing the student's progress over time and reading history.